Sunday, September 25, 2011

Getting Closer

It's getting closer and closer to the big day.  November 1 is only 5 weeks from Tuesday, and I am ready!  It's been a long process getting to this point, from thinking about running, making the decision to take the plunge, getting the nominating signatures, campaigning, and now to the final stretch before election day. 

I've done everything I know to do to convince people they are making a good decision in voting for me for School Board, and I feel confident I am the right candidate for the job.  Henry Lewis has decades of experience on the Board of Education, and I've said all along that I respect that experience.  I made a decision last year to run for this position.  I had hoped I wouldn't have to run against Henry, but no matter who put their name in the hat, I knew I had to do this.

I am running for School Board because I know things can be better in Humboldt City Schools.  Change is an unsettling prospect for most people.  There is an element of fear in the unknown, and I understand that apprehension people may feel in voting for a newcomer over the known incumbent.  I may not have experience on the Humboldt Board of Education, but I've worked tirelessly in the last couple of years trying to affect change in our schools.  I am not content to sit on the sidelines and wait for others to bring our schools forward.  That's why I have committed so much of my time and energy into the work I have done on the Chamber's Education Committee.

I just ask the voters of Humboldt's Ward 4 to vote for something new.  Let me bring my ideas, effort, enthusiasm, and passion to a board that needs a parent of young children as a member.  At the end of the day, what better motivation is there than to be working for the betterment of the schools your children will be enrolling in a few short years?  That's what drives me, more than anything, to be involved.  Ella and Virginia Williams deserve a school system that meets their needs and delivers a quality education experience they can take out into the world.

 I ask you to take Ella's advice on November 1 and "Vote for Daddy."

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